NYSC Camp Commandant Decamped For Harassing Female Corper

Just before the end of the recently concluded Batch B Stream I Orientation exercise, the Benue State NYSC camp commandant, Captain Abalaba was decamped from the camp for harassing a muslim corps member.
The corper is the Amira (female head) of the Muslim Corpers Association of Nigeria (MCAN) in Benue State. In Orientation camps around the country, only three religious associations are allowed the Nigerian Christian Corpers Fellowship (NCCF), the Nigerian Association of Catholic Corpers (NACC) and MCAN. The heads of these associations, are the Papa/Mama for NCCF and NACC and the Amir/Amira for MCAN who are serving corps members of earlier batches.
It has been confirmed that the Amira was hit because she was wearing a Hijab but some even say she was hit with a bottle. The commandant ordered her to remove the Hijab and gave instructions to the soldiers to beat the Amir and some other muslim corpers found praying in the mosque claiming it was for security purposes. Afterwards the corpers were sent out of the camp.
The Director General of the NYSC and the Secretary General of Muslim Council of Nigeria dispatched Muslim clerics and NYSC officials to the camp to resolve the issue that same day, November 14th. After the issue was resolved, the Captain Abalaba was decamped immediately and he was replaced with a new Camp commandant. Meanwhile, NYSC has set up an investigative panel to look further into the issue to avoid future occurrences.
The motive of harassment of a female Muslim CM by d camp commandant in #Benue have been brought 2 d notice of d NYSC Mgt 1/5— NYSC HQ Nigeria (@nysc_ng) November 14, 2015
The issue has been resolved amicably.Meanwhile,the camp commandant has been decamped immediately without hesitation. 3/5
— NYSC HQ Nigeria (@nysc_ng) November 14, 2015
Corps members took to social media to demonstrate their displeasure at the incident.
The muslims corpers dat ws walk away re MCAN amir of benue state. And left felowershp corpers and cathlic corpers on camp@nysc_ng shuld note
— #Kw need good gov# (@Dhaheeb) November 14, 2015
@campcomandnt of benue state @nysc_ng (capt abalaba)doesn't worth to b d comandnt of any camp his tribalistic,religious bias nd dictator
— #Kw need good gov# (@Dhaheeb) November 14, 2015
@campcomandant of benue state@nysc_ng (capt. Abalaba) walk some muslims corpers out yestevning @nyscbenue camp its unfair and unjust
— #Kw need good gov# (@Dhaheeb) November 14, 2015
Even days before this incident this particular handle had tweeted about the Commandant visiting the female hostel in the dead of the night. LoL
Benue camp comandnt alws visit female hostel @midnyt what's he doin @dat tym in deir hostel pls ask him he desearv to b question@nysc_ng
— #Kw need good gov# (@Dhaheeb) November 9, 2015
MCAN has vowed to follow the issue ensure that “Captain Abalaba is used as a long lasting example to all those who have harassed or have the intention of harassing corps members on religious grounds.”
Sack the bastard and jail him. We don’t want people like him leading multi religious gathering.